SKU: F1800-8-30


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Turbo Stud

Suits: Nissan Patrol GU with TD42T & TD42TI Engines

Suits: Nissan Navara D22 & Nissan Patrol with ZD30 Engine.

These are the Studs that Bolt onto the back of the exhaust housing of the turbo that the dump pipe attaches to.

There are 6 of these on the back of the turbo on a TD42 

On a ZD30 there is 9 in total. 3 from turbo to manifold, 3 for the EGR port on the manifold and 3 on the dump pipe.

This part is an alternative for genuine nissan number 144142w202, 1441521N01 & 144142W203.

These are sold INDIVIDUALLY

High quality studs that are MADE IN GERMANY

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