Copper Locking Nut M10 for ZD30 TD42 TB42 TB45 Exhaust Manifold & Turbo

$21.00 $19.94

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Copper Locking Exhaust Nuts

Suit Nissan Patrol GQ / GU with TD42 Motors.
These are the nuts that go onto the studs to bolt the turbo exhaust housing to the exhaust manifold and the nuts for the exhaust manifold to cylinder head.
Suit Nissan Patrol GQ / GU with  TB42 / TB45 motors.
These are the nuts that go onto the studs for the exhaust manifold to cylinder head.
Suit Nissan Patrol Y61 GU with ZD30 Motors 

(ZD30 only run 8 Nuts)

These are the nuts that are used for the exhaust manifold on a ZD30. We also sell the studs to suit separately in our online store.

These need to be replaced when the manifold is taken off the motor as sometimes the nuts are stuck on, due to the studs going hot to cold etc.

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