Y62 Front Diff with Harrop Elocker and Solid Pinion Spacer
SKU: PAP-1215

$3,032.40 $2,995.00

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Y62 Front Diff Lock

Suit Nissan Patrol Y62 Front 

This is a changeover Front diff with a Harrop E-Locker fitted and our custom Solid diff pinion spacer.

It also has Pinion Seal and both output seals replaced with New Genuine Seals.

The factory pinion spacer can continue to crush under excessive load, when this happens it changes the preload and back-lash and will cause premature wear and ultimately failure of the gearset.

When fitting a front diff lock a common upgrade is to fit a solid spacer kit to avoid this from being able to happen.

the Harrop E-locker is super easy to fit with no air lines or compressor required, simply wire it to a switch in the cabin and away you go.

We have Y62 specific switches available in our online store.

NOTE - These diffs are sold on a changeover Basis- a security deposit will be added to the price- which will be refunded on the return of your diff.

Changeover Diff MUST be in service-able condition! Otherwise you will not receive your core deposit back.

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