Large Winch Hook Connector Hammerlock suit Warn, VRS, Runva

$30.00 $25.00

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 Winch Hook Connector
Size - Large
Rating - 3.2T
Dimensions - Total length 95mm x 66mm wide
This winch hook connector (also known as Hammerlock) is designed to join your winch hook to the end of your winch rope or wire cable.
With wire cable you should have a loop at the hook end where the connector goes through for attaching a winch hook easily.
With synthetic rope, you can use one of these, or just splice the rope to the hook, this is definately the easier method.
All you need to do is put your rope / wire around one end, hook on the other end, put the tube in the middle, and "hammer" the rod through the middle to lock it all into place.
It is powdercoated yellow to stand out in muddy conditions and looks great.
We also sell a smaller winch connector rated at 2T, but we recommend using the larger one.

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