Hand Brake Cable Suits Nissan Patrol GQ Y60 & DA
SKU: SP-A440

$161.50 $69.95

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Hand Brake Cable Assembly

Suit All GQ Patrols

This is the Cable that runs from the Hand Brake Lever though the floor and down to the Handbrake Assembly on the back of the Transferase.

to replace this requires the handbrake shoes to be removed, so its a good time to give it all a Birthday and fit new handbrake shoes as well.

The main common faults with the handbrake cable is;

  1.  The cable stretches and runs out of adjustment
  2.  The cable stretches and snaps
  3.  The cable seizes inside the outer cable and the handbrake gets very stiff and doesn't want to release.

We also stock handbrake shoes, Handbrake drum adjuster grommets etc all available in our Store

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