SKU: C02F-0001


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 Nissan Glow Plug Temp Sensor Plug

Suit GQ with TB42 EFI and RD28 Engine.

Suits GQ with TD42 Engine up to 08/1995

This is a replacement wiring loom plug complete with new terminals etc, 

This is the Plug that goes onto the white ECU Water Temp Sensor

This sensors is for the temp of the engine to tell the glow plugs when to stop glowing on Diesel Engines, and on Petrol engines is gives the temperature to the ECU.

It is common for this plug to have the wiring pulled out of it, it gets broken when being unplugged, and they deteriorate from Heat and then get a poor connection or sometimes the clip is broken and they wont stay plugged in.

This can cause various running faults

Please check the plug, as Later GQ TD42 engines have a different plug and run a different sensor that is Blue.

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