Inteliride Auto Self Leveling Kit Suit Air Bag Coil Replacement Nissan Patrol Y62
SKU: PAP-1218


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Air Bag Coil Delete Auto Levelling Kit

Suits All Nissan Patrol Y62 Models with the Air Bag Coil Delete Kit (with or without HBMC suspension).

Suits vehicles with a 2" lift. (Not designed for standard height vehicles)

We have combined the Airbag Man Intelliride kit, with a fit kit of our own, to make the ultimate in Auto Levelling for your Y62.

A fully automated self-leveling kit designed to keep your car level no matter what you throw at it. Featuring Air Bag Man Intelliride with the innovative AMK seriously quiet and compact air compressor.

Installing this kit will allow you to adjust your ride height between 3 pre-set heights with the press of a single button.

Low Height - Can only be used when the handbrake is on (1 click is enough). Optimal when loading the car, or hooking a trailer on.

Medium Height - Can be selected whilst driving. Considered standard ride height.

High Height - Can be selected whilst driving. Optimal for more clearance.

The ECU controls the heights of the vehicle, and also has some delay built in to ride height adjustments meaning that it does not use a heap of air, running the compressor non stop, and also allowing for an extremely comfortable driving experience.

The kit has a “Maintenance Mode Switch” which is very handy when 4wding in the rougher stuff, to stop the suspension trying to level out while articulating, which can otherwise get you unstuck.

This Kit is made up of each of these components.

Airbag Man Intelliride Kit, utilising electrical height sensors, 4 port Control Valve, AMK air Compressor, Intelliride ECU, Loom, Switch and Control Panel.

Airbag Man 4L Alloy Slimline Tank, with water drain.

Patrolapart Air Tank mount, Fitted above the Tailshaft in otherwise unused real estate!

Patrolapart Height Sensor Brackets.

Patrolapart Bump Stop Spacer / Height Sensor Link Rod mount all in one.

Patrolapart In-Engine Bay compressor mounting kit.

Patrolapart Fusebox, valve block, and wiring loom re-routing brackets.

Comprehensive Fitting Instructions.


NOTE: The wiring harness to the 2 ride height sensors does need to be extended.


To be legal, this compressor and tank must be used solely for the air bags, and signed off by a local Engineer.

Without engineering these are not road legal and are for Offroad Use Only.

We also carry the Complete Air Bag Kit separately in our online store. CR-Y62-RAISED

It is recommended you purchase one of our Headlight aim adjuster rods due to the raised height of the vehicle, available separately in our store. Y62HLAB

This Product is Proudly Australian Made

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