Heavy Duty Air Box Saver Bracket Clamp for Nissan Patrol Y62


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Air Box Lid Saver

Suits: Factory Air box on Nissan Patrol Y62 models.

It is Common for the plastic clips where they hinge to snap, causing the airbox to not seal and shut properly and allow the contaminated air to bypass the air filter causing engine damage.

This bracket can be used to stop your air box from becoming broken, or to seal an already broken air box assembly, it doesnt require a new air box to be purchased for this bracket to be used. New Air Box bases are nearly $300 to replace, so this is a much cheaper alternative.

Designed by Patrolapart / Navarapart and manufactured locally in Victoria, Australia.

Made from steel and zinc plated for corrosion protection.

Comes with easy to follow fitting instructions and can be fitted at home with some basic tools in approx 30 minutes.

If you require a new lid or base, we have them available in our online store, along with air filters.

Any questions, please let us know.

This Product is Proudly Australian Made

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